What is a porcelain bridge? The most 6 popular types of porcelain bridges today

What is a porcelain bridge? How many types of bridges are there? Popular types of porcelain bridges

The most 6 popular types of porcelain bridges today: Porcelain bridge is a method of restoring lost teeth that many people choose because it not only ensures aesthetics but also supports good chewing. So what is a porcelain bridge? How many types of porcelain bridges are there? And should you still have a porcelain bridge? Let’s explore with Bally Dental through the article below!

What is a porcelain bridge?

What is a porcelain bridge? How many types of bridges are there? Popular types of porcelain bridges

A dental bridge is an aesthetic bridge method that helps restore unstable teeth that is extremely popular today. When performing, the doctor needs to grind 2 teeth near the position of the lost tooth to act as a pillar. Then attach a porcelain crown on the ground tooth to restore and restore the chewing function to the tooth.

The porcelain tooth in the center of the bridge will play the role of replacing the lost tooth. The two porcelain crowns attached to the ground tooth stump will help fix the bridge and evenly distribute chewing force. Materials used to make porcelain bridges are usually porcelain bridges made mainly of porcelain or porcelain-metal bridges made of porcelain combined with metal.

See more: What are German porcelain teeth? and 4+ things need to know

How many types of bridges are there? Popular types of porcelain bridges

How many types of bridges are there? The answer is there are 6 popular types of bridges used by many doctors.

Traditional porcelain bridges

Porcelain bridges often use 2 healthy teeth at the same time at the position of the lost tooth as a support pillar. Therefore, this method helps increase the strength and endurance of the bridge pillar. When combined with a highly aesthetic porcelain crown, the aesthetics and chewing ability will be restored to 98%.

However, the biggest limitation of the porcelain bridge method is that the enamel of the real tooth must be ground. Too much invasion can cause pain, bleeding and you will have to use porcelain crowns for life.

Maryland bridges

The outstanding advantage of the porcelain veneer bridge method is that you do not have to grind down the enamel of your real teeth. You will preserve 100% of your real teeth.

When performing Maryland bridge bonding, the doctor will attach the porcelain crown on a piece of gauze made of metal or porcelain. This strip will be glued to the back of the 2 real teeth used as a support.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is not very aesthetic. It is only suitable for restoration of the front teeth or front teeth. It is not suitable for positions with greater chewing and biting force than the molars.

See more: Porcelain crowns for 2 protruding front teeth

What is a porcelain bridge? How many types of bridges are there? Popular types of porcelain bridges
What is a porcelain bridge? How many types of bridges are there? Popular types of porcelain bridges

Aesthetic porcelain bridges

Aesthetic porcelain bridge is a method of restoring lost teeth in a position less affected by chewing force than the front teeth.

The outstanding point of this technique compared to conventional porcelain bridges is that it only needs to grind down part of the tooth of the lost tooth to make a support. However, this technique also makes eating and chewing more difficult.

Composite porcelain bridges

Composite bridge is a new dental bridge technique that has been applied in recent years. This method helps to limit the invasion and abrasion of the abutment enamel. With the tooth core made of dental composite combined with artificial ceramic fibers, it will increase the strength of the tooth to the maximum.

Composite porcelain bridge is popular with many people because of its low cost. However, it is only temporary, please learn carefully before doing it.

Cantilever bridges

Among the types of porcelain bridges, Cantilever bridge is the only method that uses only 1 real tooth as a pillar to support the bridge. Therefore, the doctor needs to calculate carefully and accurately to distribute evenly on the bridge, not concentrating force in one very dangerous position that will quickly damage the bridge.

The dental bridge technique will be applied to the following subjects:

  • People who do not like to grind the enamel of their real teeth too much.
  • People who have lost 1 tooth but do not like to have an implant.
  • When the 7th tooth bridge is placed.
  • When the tooth at the position chosen as the support pillar has been replaced by an implant or another restoration method.
  • Porcelain bridge is replaced by an implant
  • A porcelain bridge integrated with an implant is the most advanced method among the popular types of porcelain bridges today. It is increasingly becoming a trend, used by more and more people with the great benefits it brings.
  • This technique is suitable for people who have lost 3 or 4 teeth in a row. The entire process is non-invasive, affecting the real teeth close to the position of the missing tooth. Therefore, the real teeth are still preserved while preventing jaw bone loss from occurring.

See more: Should children have porcelain crowns? What is the optimal solution?

Cases where porcelain bridges should be installed

What is a porcelain bridge? How many types of bridges are there? Popular types of porcelain bridges

Porcelain bridges are commonly used in a wide range of tooth loss cases due to their versatility and durability. However, dental professionals often recommend porcelain bridges as the most suitable solution for situations where one to four consecutive teeth are missing. This is because the bridge can effectively fill the gap and restore functionality without overburdening adjacent teeth.

In each individual case, the dentist carefully evaluates the condition of the patient’s mouth to determine the exact number of dentures that need to be fabricated. The dentist may also decide whether any additional tools, such as dental implants or other forms of support, are necessary to ensure the bridge remains secure. Importantly, the two supporting teeth, which act as anchors for the bridge, must be in excellent condition. They should be strong, stable, and free from any oral health issues like decay, gum disease, or looseness, as the success of the porcelain bridge largely depends on their integrity.

By ensuring that the supporting teeth are healthy and selecting the correct number of replacement teeth, a porcelain bridge can offer a long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing solution to tooth loss.

Advantages and disadvantages of each type of porcelain bridge

Each type of porcelain bridge has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, in general, each type of porcelain bridge will have advantages such as:

Advantages of each type of porcelain bridge

  • Types of porcelain bridge abutments are a very quick way to restore lost teeth.
  • Restore some basic functions of bite force, aesthetics, stable bite, improve communication skills, …
  • Prevent teeth from moving on the lower jaw and becoming misaligned and asymmetrical. Prevent temporomandibular joint inflammation caused by tooth loss.
  • The ceramic material is benign and does not harm health. At the same time, it does not cause distortion like X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans.
  • The price is at an average level.

Disadvantages of each type of ceramic bridge

  • This is a highly invasive technique. In fact, if one tooth is restored, it will be necessary to intervene in two adjacent teeth.
  • Teeth that have lost all enamel over time will lead to buck teeth, dead enamel, loose teeth, and even tooth loss.
  • The lifespan of ceramic bridges is not high, usually only 5-10 years.
  • Must avoid hot and cold foods.
  • Cannot prevent jawbone necrosis.

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Bally Dental Clinic – Effective and reputable dental facility

What is a porcelain bridge? How many types of bridges are there? Popular types of porcelain bridges

Pioneering in applying new technology, using a variety of porcelain restoration materials, Bally Dental Clinic has been and is a reputable porcelain crown location chosen by many customers.

When coming to Bally Dental Clinic, the team of doctors will directly examine and analyze for you the characteristics of each type of porcelain crown material, then depending on your needs, desires and financial ability, you can choose the most suitable porcelain crown material, ensuring aesthetics, while promoting long-term effects.

Bally Dental Clinic guarantees the qualifications, skills and expertise of the doctors. Directly restoring porcelain crowns for you is a team of skilled doctors, who have passed a strict skill and experience test, are provided with a practice certificate and serve wholeheartedly through each treatment.

At Bally Dental, all porcelain crown processes will be carried out safely, according to standard procedures and always ensure sterile criteria. Moreover, with the new porcelain crown technology applied in dentistry, the tooth grinding process will be significantly reduced, while preserving porcelain teeth at the highest level.

Supporting doctors in the porcelain crown restoration process is a system of advanced machinery and equipment, such as: Scan technology to take impressions from jaw models, CAD/CAM porcelain crown manufacturing technology to ensure high precision, porcelain teeth fit tightly with natural tooth stumps, ensuring aesthetics and high chewing function, maintaining longer durability.

Porcelain bridges directly affect your smile, health and chewing function. Therefore, you need to consider when choosing a dental clinic to perform cosmetic dental restoration. If you have any questions about popular types of porcelain bridges or other issues related to oral health. Contact Bally Dental Clinic now for the best service!

See more: Comparing Metal Porcelain Teeth and All-Ceramic Teeth

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