Should children have porcelain crowns? What is the optimal solution?

What is the porcelain crown technique? Should children have porcelain crowns? Age for dental porcelain crowns

Should children have porcelain crowns? What is the optimal solution?: In cases where teeth are damaged due to pulpitis, porcelain crowns will be indicated after root canal treatment. The purpose is to protect the real tooth structure for a long time, limiting the root canal treated teeth from breaking over time or being attacked by bacteria.

However, if children’s teeth have the above factors, when applying porcelain crowns to children, it is necessary to consider the age to ensure absolute safety.

What is the porcelain crown technique?

What is the porcelain crown technique? Should children have porcelain crowns? Age for dental porcelain crowns

Porcelain crowns are a cosmetic dental restoration solution, improving the defects of teeth in terms of shape, structure, and function. The doctor will use a specialized porcelain crown to cover the thinned real tooth layer, helping the porcelain crown fit tightly and adhere to the tooth body, creating a set of teeth with high aesthetics.

In addition to improving aesthetics, porcelain crowns are also indicated to restore cases of damaged, chipped or partially broken teeth. Although the enamel must be ground, the real teeth will be protected inside the porcelain teeth, avoiding external influences on the real teeth.

See more: What are German porcelain teeth? and 4+ things need to know

Should children have porcelain crowns?

According to dentists, porcelain crowns should not be done on children, especially during the baby teeth stage. Baby teeth will be removed at the age of 6-12, while permanent teeth will emerge to take on the function of chewing and aesthetics in adulthood.

If porcelain crowns are done on children in adulthood, it will seriously affect the permanent teeth and the porcelain crown system.

Porcelain crowns on children cause delayed development of permanent teeth

Teeth are a part that does not have the function of self-healing, if the teeth are chipped or ground and the crown is placed, it cannot develop further. In the case of porcelain crowns for children during the period when the teeth are developing, the teeth will not be able to develop further.

At the same time, porcelain crowns that are not thick and strong will affect the developing neighboring teeth, seriously affecting the development of neighboring teeth.

What is the porcelain crown technique? Should children have porcelain crowns? Age for dental porcelain crowns
What is the porcelain crown technique? Should children have porcelain crowns? Age for dental porcelain crowns

Porcelain crowns cause fear in children when having to grind their teeth

Surely there are many parents whose children are afraid to go to the dentist, the fear of children has formed after previous dental treatments. Grinding teeth to cover with porcelain will not be effective for mild cases, severe cases can leave psychological sequelae in children for a long time.

Porcelain teeth above may become bulky over time

In children, the teeth and jawbones are still in the stage of complete development, so it is also a factor that makes doctors consider whether to cover porcelain teeth for children or not.

If porcelain crowns are placed on the outside of real teeth, after a few years, the porcelain crowns will definitely no longer be beautiful, causing discomfort and discomfort in children. Seriously, it will bring about an uncomfortable feeling, affecting the health of the teeth, gums and the whole body.

Age for dental porcelain crowns

What is the porcelain crown technique? Should children have porcelain crowns? Age for dental porcelain crowns

Doctors generally recommend that porcelain crowns be considered for children who are over 18 years old. By this age, the teeth and jawbones have typically reached full development, and the child’s psychological state is more stable, which is important when undergoing such a dental procedure. The maturity of the oral structures ensures that the crowns will fit well and function effectively in the long term.

However, there are certain cases where porcelain crowns can be applied at an earlier age, such as 16 or 17 years old, provided that the teeth and jawbones have met the necessary developmental standards. In these situations, early intervention may be beneficial to address specific dental issues, but this decision must be made with careful consideration by a qualified dental professional.

To determine whether porcelain crowns are appropriate for your child, it is essential for parents to bring them to a reputable dental clinic for a thorough examination. A dentist will assess the child’s oral condition, including the health and development of their teeth and jawbones, and will recommend the most suitable treatment plan based on these findings. The dentist’s prescription will be tailored to the child’s specific needs, ensuring that any dental restoration, including the application of porcelain crowns, is both effective and safe.

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Cases where porcelain crowns are required for children

Although children are not recommended to have porcelain crowns, not all cases follow the above instructions. In some other cases, porcelain crowns can be applied to children.

The child’s permanent teeth have severe cavities, the pulp has broken and cannot be filled. Children’s teeth have been treated with permanent root canals, the teeth are weak and can break.

Permanent teeth with dentin wear, severe loss of tooth pulp affects aesthetics and chewing function.

Other cases that require restoration to ensure aesthetics such as yellow teeth, bacterial contamination, crooked teeth, … should be performed when older or consider an alternative dental method.

Things to note when covering porcelain teeth for children

What is the porcelain crown technique? Should children have porcelain crowns? Age for dental porcelain crowns

Covering porcelain teeth in general and covering porcelain teeth in children in particular will need to pay attention to the following to ensure safety and high efficiency.

  • Find a reputable dental clinic: Highly skilled doctors and advanced equipment will support examination and consultation on restorations suitable for the current condition of the teeth. In particular, there are suitable solutions for children, ensuring maximum safety during treatment.
  • Choosing the right porcelain tooth material: The porcelain tooth material greatly determines the quality of the restoration and the time of use. Pay attention to the porcelain material to ensure its strength, choose the porcelain material suitable for the condition of the teeth that need restoration.
  • Comply with the doctor’s requirements: Comply with the doctor’s instructions from examination, treatment to post-restoration care to speed up the treatment time. Cases with pathologies need to be completely treated before porcelain crowns.
  • Proper oral care: Before or after porcelain crowns, you need to pay attention to daily oral care. Make sure to prevent harmful bacteria and plaque on teeth and gums, and prevent recurrence of pathologies after having porcelain crowns.

See more: Zirconia porcelain crowns color chart

How to prevent oral diseases, avoid porcelain crowns

As mentioned, porcelain crowns in children are cases of oral inflammation and serious damage. In addition to trauma, most cases of tooth damage also come from oral diseases. Therefore, an effective disease prevention solution at this time is proper oral hygiene and care to ensure healthy teeth.

  • Remind children to brush their teeth twice a day, morning and night, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste containing Fluoride to prevent tooth decay.
  • Instruct children to brush their teeth properly, brush gently and brush in a vertical or circular direction. Avoid brushing in the opposite direction to wear down the enamel.
  • Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating or drinking because the acid in food will wear down the enamel, brushing will wear down the teeth, loosen the enamel.
  • Instruct children to use some specialized oral hygiene products such as electric toothbrushes, mouthwash, dental salt, etc. .. enhance the ability to clean teeth.
  • Take your child to the dentist for a check-up every 6 months so that the dentist can clean their teeth, detect and treat oral diseases early (if any).

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Bally Dental Clinic – A reputable dental crown facility for children

As an address that meets all the standards of a reputable dental clinic, Bally Dental Clinic is definitely an address that cannot be ignored with many outstanding advantages.

Here, there is a team of doctors who graduated from many prestigious medical universities, studied abroad, have high skills and expertise, and will ensure that the process of making dentures for children is successful and safe.

When visiting and having teeth done at Bally Dental Clinic, your child will also be examined according to a separate process that complies with strict standards of the process.

Fully comply with each step similar to adults from examination, X-ray to determine the condition of the teeth -> Clean teeth -> Take impressions to make porcelain teeth -> Attach teeth and instructions on how to preserve.

In particular, the clinic always emphasizes the sterile factor, giving children a separate set of sterile instruments to prevent infection or spread of bacteria. Modern dental clinic system, comfortable atmosphere when children come for examination. The team of doctors, nurses and caregivers are well trained, helping children reduce their fear of the clinic and dentist.

Coming to Bally Dental, your child will experience professional examination and treatment services, and be cared for like a god. For any consultation information or if you need to make dentures for children, you can contact the dental clinic immediately via the hotline for the earliest support and answers.

So, surely parents have the answer to the question “Should children have porcelain crowns?” For the most effective treatment solutions, take your child to a reputable dentist for examination and treatment. Do not hesitate and let the disease cause further negative effects on your child.

See more: A review of Saigon Dental Hospital: Is it good? What are its service strengths?

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